Note di Matematica
Pubblicazione semestrale del Dipartimento di Matematica dell’Università del Salento
Editor in chief Domenico Perrone
Segretario di redazione Angela Anna Albanese, Francesco Catino

ISSN: 1123-2536
Periodicità: Semestrale
Note di Matematica is a journal edited by Department of Mathematics "Ennio De Giorgi", University of Salento, Lecce (Italy). This journal publishes original research papers and surveys papers in mathematics. Its scope is to promote study and research in all fields of mathematics and to contribute to the diffusion of the mathematical culture. The publication of the articles is subject to the approval of one or more referees; the referees' choice is entrusted to the Editorial Board. Mathematicians of Italian and foreign Universities compose the Editorial Board, The journal is published in one volume per year of two issues, in the months of January and July. The printed journal publication begins in 1981 and the electronic version in 2000. The entire collection, since vol. 1 (1981), is available at the URL It is published by University of Salento – SIBA.
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