Note di Matematica

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Area 01 – Scienze matematiche e informatiche
INDEXVariations on a theme by James Stirling (D. Dominici) Multiple solutions for a nonlinear Neumann problem involving a critical Sobolev exponent (J. Chabrowski)Spectral geometry for the Jacobi operator of the identity map (L. Vergori)Feedback theory for neutral equations in infinite dimensional state spaces (S. Hadd, A. Rhandi)Remarks on digital deformation (L. Boxer)Homology groups of translation planes and flocks of quadratic cones, II: j-planes (N.L. Johnson) Groups in which every subgroup is almost pronormal (F. de Giovanni, A. Russo, G. Vincenzi)The Hall plane of order 9-revisited (M. Biliotti, V. Jha, N.L. Johnson, A. Montinaro)Oder-bounded sets in locally solid Riesz spaces (S.S. Khurana)Subgeometry partitions from cyclic semifields (V. Jha, N.L. Johnson)Extended André Sperner spaces (N.L. Johnson)Simultaneous approximation and interpolation from lattices (M.S. Kashimoto)Infinite hyper-regulus Sperner spaces (V. Jha, N.L. Johnson)A bi-Lipschitz continuous, volume preserving map from the unit ball onto a cube (J.A. Griepentrog, W. Höppner, H.-Chr. Kaiser, J. Rehberg)Means via groups and some properties of autodistributive Steiner triple systems (D. Lenzi)
pagine: 208
formato: 16,5 x 24
ISBN: 978-88-548-2267-2
data pubblicazione: Gennaio 2009
marchio editoriale: Aracne
rivista: Note di Matematica | 2008, volume 28, numero 1
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