Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics
Volume 12, Number 35

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9,6 €
Area 02 – Scienze fisiche
The Issue 35 of Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics returns to its readers with a new load of good Physics choice after careful debate. The editors believe in science as an intellectual craft, and willingly pay the price of our freedom. They will not focus here on every single contribution, but, for personal reasons, they want to signal the opening paper of Pisin Chen and Hagen Kleinert on foundational issues of Quantum Mechanics. The interest of the two scholars so committed on the edge at advanced astrophysics and particle physics reminds all of us the importance of not forgetting the foundational work, where the feet of our theories are based. It will be necessary to go beyond the standard model in the direction of quantum gravity. On this side we also find Khorasani, Fiscaletti, Novikov and Hansson, The latter two from the perspective of General Relativity, whereas Addazi, Damanik and Triantaphyllou take a look beyond the Standard Model.
pagine: 230
formato: 21 x 29,7
ISBN: 978-88-548-9472-3
data pubblicazione: Luglio 2016
marchio editoriale: Aracne
rivista: Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics (EJTP) | Volume 12, Number 35
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