The Union of the Two Hearts
An Inculturated Christological–Marian Spirituality

42,00 €
25,2 €
Area 15 – Scienze teologico-religiose
Jesus is the Salvation of man, as a person. How then can one speak of “mediation” of salvation by the Church or by Mary? This research approaches the role of Mary from a relational and anthropological point of view, as an effort to inculturate the Gospel in Africa in a way as to be meaningful for the whole Church. It considers how Jesus and Mary influenced each other: Mary being guided in her growth in holiness andJesus, in His human life, being sustained and formed by his continuous encounter with Mary into being historically what he is eternally, the Salvation in person. The “gift” which Christ received from Mary is allherself related to Him, allowing herself to be ever more indwelled by Him and used by Him. This research presents also the situation of the Church in Nigeria, it confronts itself with the question of “gender”, and it has a look at the spirituality of the Two Hearts of Love.
pagine: 820
formato: 17 x 24
ISBN: 978-88-548-9351-1
data pubblicazione: Maggio 2016
marchio editoriale: Aracne
collana: Pontificia Facoltà Teologica “Marianum”
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