Laser-Plasma Acceleration and Secondary EM Radiation

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8,4 €
Area 02 – Scienze fisiche
The authors make a picture of the activities in which they are involved concerning the laser–plasma interaction at very high intensity. This field of research has had an overwhelming development in recent years not only because a much cheaper alternative to the current particle acceleration techniques can be glimpsed, but especially since the secondary particle and electromagnetic radiation sources offer many applications from diagnostics and medical treatments, to the physics of materials. The authors have tried to present the various topics with a rigorous approach, but always attentive to experimental realities. For this reason, in the various chapters, specific experimental situations were considered and on those developed quantitative evaluations of the observed phenomena.
pagine: 96
formato: 17 x 24
ISBN: 978-88-255-2130-6
data pubblicazione: Gennaio 2019
marchio editoriale: Aracne
collana: ReiΦυσις | 3
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