The art of Sergio Vanello

10,00 €
A – Narrativa
Sergio Vanello was born already as a classic author. He studied as an art teacher, acquiring an academic culture, so he transferred all of his extraordinary knowledge about great comic’s (and not only) drawing masters in every works. Every strip, paint or illustration is first of all a compendium of drawing’s history. It’s easy to find into his eclectic production an Adams’s or Kirby’s statuary style, a Sienkiewicz’s full of pathos picturality, a statuesque plasticity as Romita Sr. was useful or the mistic sensuality painted by Pratt. Only people who knows game’s rules and master’s lesson are allowed to play with them, and Vanello is an excellent player. He is just as a “Tarantino” for the drawing, behind the deep inspiration of the history of China, he resolves himself. He his capable to overcome the lesson, toward unexplored worlds.
Ivan Mirenda
pagine: 72
formato: 17 x 24
ISBN: 978-88-548-9979-7
data pubblicazione: Gennaio 2017
marchio editoriale: Aracne
collana: Fuoricollana
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