Private International Law within the EU
Current issues and regulatory perspectives
Area 12 – Scienze giuridiche
The acquisition of competences by the European Union in the field of private international law has led to the consequence that, over the years, applicable rules in the European judicial space have exponentially grown, creating provisions that, often interconnected, now interest areas in which international cooperation was not easy for States to fully pursue outside the borders of the European Union. Whilst the European uniform rules necessary to create and foster a space of freedom, security and justice in which the liberty to freely move is insured bears positive outcomes for European citizens, the growing interconnections of the rules, as well as their complexities, require an in-depth study. This is the aim of this Volume, which concentrates on specific selected issues.
pagine: | 288 |
formato: | 17 x 24 |
ISBN: | 978-88-548-9145-6 |
data pubblicazione: | Aprile 2016 |
marchio editoriale: | Aracne |
collana: | Scritti di diritto privato europeo e internazionale | 12 |