Heritage in conflict
Memory, history, architecture

16,00 €
9,6 €
Area 10 – Scienze dell'antichità, filologico-letterarie e storico-artistiche
This book develops the analysis of the complex interaction between memory and architecture and their manipulation in different periods of history. Architecture necessarily integrates the visual and physical memory of wars, of the most complex and negative stages and of the regimes whose existence people would rather forget. Post-civil-war Spain and post-war Europe faced the presence of memory in ruins, monuments; milestones which perpetuated events with an emotional charge difficult to overlook, or which had been politically or ideologically manipulated. Post-war reconstruction and restoration were determined by these circumstances.
pagine: 204
formato: 17 x 24
ISBN: 978-88-548-7782-5
data pubblicazione: Dicembre 2015
marchio editoriale: Aracne
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