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Memory, history, architecture

The World War I and the sites of memory. Survey and restoration of the “Parks of Remembrance” in Abruzzo
The parchi e viali della Rimembranza are sites of memory built in Italian cities after 1926 as monuments to the fallen of World War I. Today, they are still areas of great evocative power, although often forgotten or abandoned. This contribution first describes the issue in the national debate: then focuses to the current campaign census in Abruzzo. The latter, launched to coincide with the centenary of the World War I, aims to know the exact consistency of these National Monuments (so declared by a Royal Decree of 1926, still in force) in order to activate restoration and maintenance practices.
pagine: 55-74
DOI: 10.4399/97888548778254
data pubblicazione: Dicembre 2015
editore: Aracne