Dalla dichiarazione alla cultura dei diritti umani
Per un’antropologia della pace

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The paper points out from the very beginning that the economic gap existing at the present between the North and the South of the world is the actual hindrance for achieving any possible peace. It might be of interest to all of us to know in these days the meaning of “peace”. The word “peace” has a symbolic impoverishment: it is of the utmost importance to build up a culture of peace based on human rights seriously and concerning both private as well as public life of the people. The culture of peace is a way of thinking, of feeling and of acting as a discriminator of our choices.
pagine: 24
formato: 17 x 24
ISBN: 978-88-548-2601-4
data pubblicazione: Luglio 2009
marchio editoriale: Aracne
collana: Dipartimento Innovazione e Società della “Sapienza” Università di Roma | 14
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