Advances in Group Theory and Applications
Volume 1/2018

40,00 €
24,00 €
Area 01 – Scienze matematiche e informatiche
The fifth volume of Advances in Group Theory and Applications contains original contributions by some established researchers in group theory: F. Cedò, L.A. Kurdachenko, M.L. Lewis, N.N. Semko and I.Y. Subbotin. The historical part of this issue contains a contribution of H. Laue on the life and the work of Wolfgang Gaschutz. The last part of the issue presents a number of open problems for the series “ADV - Perspectives in Group Theory”.
pagine: 156
formato: 17 x 24
ISBN: 978-88-255-1614-2
data pubblicazione: Luglio 2018
marchio editoriale: Aracne
rivista: Advances in Group Theory and Applications | 5
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