Advances in Group Theory and Applications
Volume 3/2017

40,00 €
24,00 €
Area 01 – Scienze matematiche e informatiche
The third volume of Advances in Group Theory and Applications contains original contributions by several established researchers in group theory: A. Arıkan, A.O. Asar, J.C. Beidleman, M. De Falco, M. Ferrara, F. de Giovanni, H. Heineken, C. Musella, C.A. Pallikaros, M. Trombetti, H.N. Ward, B.A.F. Wehrfritz. This volume contains two historical papers: one exploits the true story of the Frattini's Argument, and the other is a memory of Vitaliy Sushchansky, recently passed away. At the end of the volume a selection of new open problems is presented.
pagine: 152
formato: 17 x 24
ISBN: 978-88-255-0369-2
data pubblicazione: Giugno 2017
marchio editoriale: Aracne
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