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International Journal of Architecture and Engineering

Academic Organicism and New Monumentality in Villanueva. The University City of Caracas, Venezuela
This paper is part of the background of the Doctoral Thesis of the aforementioned author, which wasentitled: Valoración y sostenibilidad paisajística del campus de la Ciudad Universitaria de Caracas (2014). TheUniversity City of Caracas (CUC), Venezuela, has been inscribed on the World Heritage List (2000) bythe United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO). The CiudadUniversitaria de Caracas was named a National Historic Landmark (1994) and this decision wasratified by the Instituto de Patrimonio Cultural (Institute for Cultural Heritage, 1998). It was also rankedamong the ten most important modern works of the twentieth century by DOCOMOMO (1989).It was designed and built between 1942 and 1960 by the Instituto de la Ciudad Universitaria de Caracas(ICU). Engineer Luis Rafael Damiani was the coordinator of the execution of the construction worksand the project was designed by Architect Carlos Raúl Villanueva (CRV). They, together with a largeand dedicated team of engineering professionals and national and international visual artists, ensuredthat the campus of the Central University of Venezuela (UCV) is an outstanding example of modernarchitecture in the twentieth century.Villanueva’s preliminary planning occurs within the canon of an academic framework that ischaracteristic of the architect’s initial education and training in the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris, to gradually transform until its completion into a typical expression of the ModernMovement in architecture. One of the topics of this dissertation is the influence of Le Corbusier on theVenezuelan architect, as well as the sway of the modern ideas from different International Congressesof Modern Architecture (CIAM) and the principles of organic architecture proposed by Bruno Zevi.These ideas were perfectly adapted to the requirements of the peculiarities of the tropics byreinterpreting elements of local architecture. One can say that the works of modern master Villanuevain the campus and spaces of the University City of Caracas are based on these modern and organicprinciples in a unique way.
pagine: 65-77
DOI: 10.4399/97888548778566
data pubblicazione: Novembre 2014
editore: Aracne