Civil Engineering Applications of Ground Penetrating Radar
The COST Action TU1208 focuses on the exchange of scientific–technical knowledge and experience of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) techniques in Civil Engineering (CE). The project is being developed within the frame of a unique approach based on the integrated contribution of University researchers, software developers, geophysics experts, Non–Destructive Testing equipment designers and producers, end users from private companies and public agencies. In this interdisciplinary Action, advantages and limitations of GPR will be highlighted leading to the identification of gaps in knowledge and technology. Protocols and guidelines for EU Standards will be developed, for effective application of GPR in CE. A novel GPR will be designed and realized: a multi–static system, with dedicated software and calibration procedures, able to construct real–time lane 3D high resolution images of investigated areas. Advanced electromagnetic–scattering and data–processing techniques will be developed. The understanding of relationships between geophysical parameters and CE needs will be improved. Freeware software will be released, for inspection and monitoring of structures and infrastructures, buried–object localization, shape reconstruction and estimation of useful parameters. A high level training program will be organized. Mobility of early career researchers will be encouraged. The project has already received the interest of key end users and excellent EU Institutions.

TU1208 Basic Info
Start - End of Action: 4 April 2013 - 3 April 2017

Chair of the Action:
Dr. Lara Pajewski
Roma Tre University, IT

Vice-Chair of the Action:
Prof. Andreas Loizos
National Technical University of Athens, EL

Prof. Cristina Pronello
Politecnico di Torino, IT

COST TUD DC Rapporteur:
Dr. Goran Mladenovic
University of Belgrade, RS

COST Science Officer:
Dr. Mickael Pero COST Office, BE

COST Administrative Officer:
Ms. Carmencita Malimban
COST Office, BE

Grant Holder:
Roma Tre University,
Department of Engineering, IT

Editorial Coordinator of the Action:
Prof. Andrea Benedetto
Roma Tre University, IT

Chairs of the Working Groups (WGs):

− WG1: Dr. Guido Manacorda, IDS Ingegneria dei Sistemi, IT

− WG2: Dr. Christina Plati, National Technical University of Athens, EL

− WG3: Dr. Antonis Giannopoulos, University of Edinburgh, UK

− WG4: Dr. Immo Trinks, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Archaeological Prospection
and Virtual Archaeology, AT

Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) Manager:
Prof. Marian Marciniak
National Institute of Telecommunications, PL
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