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Chinese Academy of Social Sciences - CASS
Jiang Zhang Aracne editrice

Zhang Jiang, Ph.D. and Professor of Literary Studies. He is currently Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) and Editor-in-Chief of Social Sciences in China Press (SSCP), Social Sciences in China, Chinese Literary Criticism, Social Sciences in China Review and Chinese Social Sciences Today. He is also Chairman of Chinese Society for Literary Criticism (CSLC) and the expert of the Review Committee of The ational Social Sciences Fund of China (NSSFC). He has long been engaged in research on literary theory and criticism.Many of his articles were published in Social Sciences in China (both Chinese and English edition), Oktyabr (Russian literary magazine), Comparative Literature Studies (US), Literature & Art Studies, Literary Review, Philosophical Researches among prestigious academic journals, and in People’s Daily and Guangming Daily among the best-known newspapers in China. Some articles are re-printed in The Xinhua Digest, Chinese Social Sciences Digest, Reprinted Data of Renmin University of China and other periodicals.
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