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Tarano, 27/08/1953

Giacomo Lorenzoni Aracne editrice

Giacomo Lorenzoni graduated in Mechanical Engineering in 1979 at the Chair of Mechanical Technology II of Sapienza University of Rome, where has then collaborated until 1984 in research and educational activities related to thermomechanical design and construction of mechanical components. He continued until 2014 at ENEA (public research body), by studying the erosion by drops and stress corrosion cracking in steam turbines, energy efficiency, cogeneration, gas/steam turbine combined cycles, mathematical optimization, by carrying out frontier research on combinatorics, cryptography, heat engines, thermodynamics, continuum thermomechanics, mathematical analysis, numerical analysis, probability and statistics, and by doing computer programming (Fortran, Visual Basic, DHTML, ASP.NET,…). Currently works to compare with the state of the art and validate numerically an extremely innovative theory which exposed time ago and that solves, for the first time without approximations of physical laws, the fundamental problem of the Continuum Thermomechanics.
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