Mediterranea. International journal on the transfer of knowledge, 6 (2021)
Irene Zavattero (ED.), L’Uomo nel pensiero di Bonaventura Da Bagnoregio, Aracne, Canterano (RM) 2019 (Flumen Sapientiae. Studi sul pensiero medievale, 11), PP. 372, ISBN 9788825525922.

The goal of this work – which gathers the proceedings of a conference held in 2017 at the University of Trento – is that of presenting a multifaceted exploration of Bonaventure’s analysis of the human condition. In this sense, this book aims at making a contribution towards our understanding of a topic of both significant depth and width. The question concerning the essence of the human condition is central to Bonaventure’s thought, and there is hardly any part of his work that does not include considerations of anthropological relevance. 1 Accordingly, to unfold the Doctor Seraficus’s understanding of human nature is to dive deep into the architecture of his opus. This means that it is impossible to map ‘the figure of humankind’ in Bonaventure without having to touch on the whole net of his philosophical system. [...]

Mediterranea. International journal on the transfer of knowledge, 6 (2021)

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