Quaestio 20 (2020)
Per studium et doctrinam. Honoring the Outstanding Achievements of Loris Sturlese

The present volume, edited by Alessandra Beccarisi and Alessandro Palazzo, is a miscellany in honour of Prof. Loris Sturlese (since 2012, President of the Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale – SIEPM – and since 2016 member of the Accademia dei Lincei). This is actually the second Festschrift dedicated to Sturlese1. While the first one was pub- lished at the occasion of his 60th birthday, the present anthology contains articles by several students, who have written their master theses and doctoral dissertations under the supervision of the great scholar.
The eleven contributions reflect the in- terests that have preeminently characterized Sturlese’s long and successful scientific career. They are dedicated to his sponsorship encouragement and inspiration of innovative research in Medieval Philosophy, always based on critical edition of the texts, careful analysis of the sources, the manuscripts and the authors, with special attention to their historical and philosophical background. [...]

Quaestio 20 (2020)

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