Bibliotheca Dantesca Vol. 3
Thomas Persico. 'Le parole e la musica. Poesia ed esecuzione dalla Vita nuova alla Divina Commedia.' Rome: Aracne editrice, 2019.

Thomas Persico’s monograph is the most recent publication delving into the role of music in Dante’s poetics. This remarkable contribution enters the long-standing heated debate between two groups of scholars: those accepting the theory of an Italian divorce between music and poetry, and those who have called for a reappre-ciation and reassessment of the relationship between them. Persico’s studies bring order to this intricate conversation and, through rigorous textual and lexical anal-yses, shed new light on the topic. The first chapter provides a thorough and lucid account of the scholarly de-bate around Dante and music. Persico demonstrates deep knowledge of 150 years of studies carried out by Italian and international scholars alike. His concise review is highly informative and well-documented: the impressive footnotes alone will be valuable to anyone researching the same topics. What emerges from this chapter and inspires the following ones is the need for a better appreciation of the role of musical performance in Dante’s poetry. [...]

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