De Cifris Cryptanalysis
Selected papers from the ITASEC2020 Workshop Cryptanalysis a Key Tool in Securing and Breaking Ciphers
Area 01 – Scienze matematiche e informatiche
Cryptanalysis is a fascinating aspect of cryptology, but it is often surrounded by a mix of doubt and suspicion. In this book some active Italian researchers will provide rigorous explanations of modern cryptanalytic methods, revealing this discipline for what it is: a beautiful subject where advanced mathematical theories and tools intertwine with practical estimates of the security of real-life cryptosystems.Pagina di acquisto del volume: Clicca qui
pagine: | 96 |
formato: | 17 x 24 |
ISBN: | AA1957 |
data pubblicazione: | Marzo 2022 |
marchio editoriale: | Aracne editrice |
collana: | Collectio Ciphrarum | 2 |