Managers are alone
Theoretical–practical survival anti–manual

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6,6 €
Fabrizia Ingenito
Prefazione di Paolo Iacci
Traduzione di Isabella Isola
Area 14 – Scienze politiche e sociali
Managers in the fray, without time and support, between a rock and a hard place, pressured by expectations and results, finding it difficult to express that unique contribution which each of them can and desires to offer, as a person who has the responsibility for other persons. Pulsating hearts of any organization, whose well–being can have a strong impact on the business and whose disillusion could snuff motivation and foment resignation. Are you a manager? Do you have tough days? Is it demanding to express yourself or understand those who work with you? If you would like, I will be by your side, offering support, experience, tools. I will be your coach for the next three months.
pagine: 188
formato: 14 x 21
ISBN: 978-88-548-9889-9
data pubblicazione: Febbraio 2017
marchio editoriale: Aracne
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