Mission Makes the Church

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9,00 €
Area 15 – Scienze teologico-religiose
The centennial anniversary of the Foundation of the Pontifical Missionary Union (PUM) on October 31, 1916 gives us the opportunity to pause and reflect on the nature, mission and role of this Pontifical Institution and its service to the Universal Church in her missionary identity. Renewal, rethinking and reform are required if we desire to be faithful to the charismatic original insights of the founders, Pope Benedict XV and Blessed Paolo Manna. What we offer in the chapters of this book, marking this celebration, is our way to take into serious consideration Pope Francis’ provocation. Each author tries to reflect upon this urgency so that the Vatican II renewal can be really effective for the Church through her missionary identity. The collection of these different approaches is deeply intertwined by a common understanding that mission unfolds the essence of the Church-World relationship inside God’s loving plan to save all. Each essayist gives his or her contribution with thought-provoking insights and cultural reflections for the mission of the Church.
pagine: 232
formato: 17 x 24
ISBN: 978-88-548-9864-6
data pubblicazione: Febbraio 2017
marchio editoriale: Aracne
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