Knowledge Society and Doctoral Studies
Research, Education and Training in New Landscape​s

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8,4 €
Area 11 – Scienze storiche, filosofiche, pedagogiche e psicologiche
This book is the third stage of a wide–ranging reflection on the developments of higher education after the changes brought about in most European countries by the Bologna Process, on the background of transformations going on at a wider international level; a reflection that has already led to the publicationof two volumes, in 2008 and 2012. The overall cultural climate in Europe and the West has profoundly changed in recent years leading to a problematisation of the uniformity claimed by a large part of the supranational argument, with specific features concerning higher education policy. In this framework,it became apparent that research on the doctorate was of special relevance, for its intrinsic interest as well as because the doctorate is a sensitive instrument to understand university transformations in their entirety, as it embodies, even more distinctly than the two first cycles, different “ideas of a university”.This new volume, the outcome of a research carried out by some of the most distinguished scholars in the field of Comparative Education, enlarges and debates the results of the previous ones in the light of the most recent developments, showing that there is no doubt that yet once more the doctorateloans itself as a means of orientation within the labyrinth of the fragmented, work–in–progress universe of higher education.
pagine: 304
formato: 14 x 21
ISBN: 978-88-548-9803-5
data pubblicazione: Novembre 2016
marchio editoriale: Aracne
collana: Comparative Education Studies | Studi comparativi in educazione | 7
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