From the Front
Zibaldone della Grande Guerra

18,00 €
10,8 €
A cura di Tancredi Artico
Prefazione di Gustavo Corni
Area 11 – Scienze storiche, filosofiche, pedagogiche e psicologiche
Seen a century later as one enormous theatre, Europe’s battlefields had been the stage of an incredible drama. In this context, roles disappeared substituted by a universal pain that erased enmities: from Turkish to Australia, from Canada to Hungary, England, US, Germany, Belgium, Italy and Catalonia, soldiers’records narrate the experience of a shared hell, lived with no difference between opposite flags. This Zibaldone tries to retrace this worldwide feeling through the recollection of excerpts of diaries and letters from the fronts.

Contributors: Tancredi Artico, Francesc Montero, Sylvie Crinquand, Rose Spijkerman, Mehmet Besikçi, Robyn Van Dyk, Theresa Cronk, Andrea Zaffonato, Pierluigi Sanzovo, Dietmar Dragaric, Csaba Katona, Jonathan Casey, Stefania Salvadori, Robert Thomas Thomson.

Writers: Frederic Pujulà, Stuart Chapman, Jack Martin, Clément de Waele, Ali Rıza, Apcar DeVine, Vivian Noble, Domenico Zaltron, Giovanni Casati, Hermann Plessmaier, Laszlo Kokay,Howard Johnson, Bruno Jacob, Jack Stratford.
pagine: 276
formato: 14 x 21
ISBN: 978-88-548-9578-2
data pubblicazione: Maggio 2017
marchio editoriale: Aracne
collana: Tempus | 8
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