The Digital Single Market Copyright
Internet and Copyright Law in the European perspective

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Area 12 – Scienze giuridiche
The introduction of communications via Internet and the wide use of digital contents have dramatically demonstrated that most of the national copyright laws need to be re-evaluated and that the borders between communication, distribution and reproduction rights should be reviewed taking into account needs and structure of the Digital Economy. The Digital Single Market Copyright. Internet and Copyright Law in the European perspective is a strategic occasion for information and discussion, a thinking arena, with the purpose of comparing national approaches on copyright issues, looking to a European view. This book collects the Conference proceedings of the Congress held in the Court of Milan on November 4th and 5th 2015 organized by the Italian Judge Permanent Training Program for the Court of Milan and Associazione Italiana per la Protezione della Proprietà intellettuale (AIPPI), with the collaboration of Franzosi Dal Negro Setti Law Firm.
pagine: 320
formato: 17 x 24
ISBN: 978-88-548-9441-9
data pubblicazione: Giugno 2016
marchio editoriale: Aracne editrice
collana: Diritto e Policy dei Nuovi Media | 8
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