A New Social Market Economy for the 21st Century
Emilio Fontela: Economist and Global Researcher

20,00 €
12,00 €
Area 13 – Scienze economiche e statistiche
Emilio Fontela (1938-2007) was a world-class economist who helped shape the global research landscape since the 1960s. In this book, friends and colleagues explore his legacy and the lessons of his work. The relevance of his contribution can be best seen from the multiplicity of issues and methods where he proved to be a pioneer. He was constantly seeking a synthesis of the deductive and inductive approaches. Fontela saw Röpke, Solari, Stone, Klein, L’Huillier, Baumol and Leontief as Great Masters of this realistic and synthetic approach. Fontela himself was a Master in this tradition, who realized the importance of creating a new Social market economy in the 21st century.
pagine: 352
formato: 17 x 24
ISBN: 978-88-548-9041-1
data pubblicazione: Febbraio 2016
marchio editoriale: Aracne
collana: Fondamenti di Scienze Sociali “non convenzionali” | 3
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