Enterprise in hardship: Economic, Managerial and Juridical Perspectives

21,00 €
12,6 €
Area 13 – Scienze economiche e statistiche
The magnitude of the current global economic crisis calls for a fundamental reassessment of all areas of business and economy including managerial and juridical perspectives. Indeed, the economic crisis gives rise to a series of questions not only on our economic and social system but also on the institution upon which it is based. It is necessary to intensify the efforts to emerge from the current condition with an interdisciplinary, comparative approach aimed to investigate the true international situation, to identify innovative and more effective development policies, capable of ensuring the revival of the economic and social system. In accordance with the previous brief considerations, the DiSGeSI and SEAM Department of the University of Messina, in the framework of the agreement with the Universities of Cracow, Kiev and Kragujevac, have organized the International Congress “Enterprises in hardship: economic, managerial and juridical perspectives” presenting papers in these areas, to offer a wider point of view on the current socio-economic situation and stimulate a systematic reflection on the contemporary processes of change, aiming to give an answer to the development of the crisis looking forward toward new perspectives able to furnish solutions which ensure stability and wellbeing for the future.
pagine: 360
formato: 17 x 24
ISBN: 978-88-548-8111-2
data pubblicazione: Dicembre 2014
marchio editoriale: Aracne
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