Highlights of ESP in the Arts and Humanities
An approach to the study of language discourse and translation
Area 10 – Scienze dell'antichità, filologico-letterarie e storico-artistiche
There are many ways in which the use of English in various contexts can be introduced and explained. This book approaches the study of English for Specific Purposes holistically and in progression through a series of Readings. Holistically because the first part of the book provides an overall view of English, initially by identifying the varieties that have developed in time, along with their specific cultures and contexts that have ultimately transformed and accommodated some aspects of the language. This also refers to the ‘digital variety’ in information and communication environments in which English takes the lead as the main medium. Although the core idea of the book is to discuss ESP contexts, this first general part provides the necessary background to conduct a more focused study of the disciplinary conventions used in academic communities, which includes mastering the skill of academic writing. The second part is entirely dedicated to the role of English in the field of Humanities, and it starts off with a review of the concepts of text, discourse and genre theory so as to provide an operational framework of analysis to be used within subject areas. It does so by introducing specific texts types and by considering their typicality and occurrence in a particular discipline.
pagine: | 292 |
formato: | 17 x 24 |
ISBN: | 978-88-548-7915-7 |
data pubblicazione: | Dicembre 2014 |
marchio editoriale: | Aracne |
collana: | Englishes | 8 |