The Network in the Non Profit Organizations
Advantages and Disadvantages

16,00 €
9,6 €
Area 13 – Scienze economiche e statistiche
The construction and the governance of inter-firm networks is a complex phenomenon, uncertain, heavy, full of ambiguity, made of deliberate and emergent elements that requires, in addition to a broad domestic consensus, the use of personnel and procedures for the identification and evaluation of partners, for the drafting and interpretation of contracts as well as a management oriented to supporting the cooperative network that emerged. This work aims to provide a contribution helping to understand a particular category of organizations of considerable importance that are actually attracting an increasing attention in the current socio-economic contexts: the non-profit organizations. Concerning these organizations, the main focus is on understanding the criticality and the complexity of the relational space while looking for eventual managerial differences when compared with the profit organizations.
pagine: 280
formato: 14 x 21
ISBN: 978-88-548-7840-2
data pubblicazione: Novembre 2014
marchio editoriale: Aracne
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