Internal Organizational Discourse in English
Telling Corporate Stories

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4,8 €
Area 10 – Scienze dell'antichità, filologico-letterarie e storico-artistiche
This book is a linguistic analysis of the English used in multinational companies, in particular the language used in organizational change and knowledge management seen from the discursive perspective of internal company communications, at a variety of levels-corporate to organization, managers to employees and between peers. The study uses a corpus of self-compiled specialist company materials which include audio-conferencing recordings, web-casts, in-service training sessions and e-newsletters. Using an integrated, multi-layered methodological approach, and drawing on a wide range of descriptive and explanatory conceptual frameworks, the “stories” reported here illuminate the role of language in changing organizational relationships, evolving knowledge dissemination instrumentalities and the ongoing construal of corporate culture in response to pressing global realities. The book is of value not only to linguists and analysts of business discourse but also to experts in organization studies and practitioners in business education who are interested in relating organizational performance to company communication practices.
pagine: 116
formato: 17 x 24
ISBN: 978-88-548-7124-3
data pubblicazione: Aprile 2014
marchio editoriale: Aracne
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