The Impact of Oil Shocks
Economic Models and Cross Country Analysis

20,00 €
12,00 €
Area 13 – Scienze economiche e statistiche
In a world with a huge energy demand, the most important economic variables of countries may be deeply affected by small changes in energy prices. Given this huge linkage which bonds and binds countries all over the world, the aim of this book is to understand how oil prices and, generally speaking, energy prices influence the economic activities and indexes of Italy, France, and Germany. Starting from the history of energy shocks modelling and passing to the analysis on the actual energy situation of the three countries, this book will let the reader enlarge and deepen his understanding of energy shocks. It will define a clear picture of the energy issues of the mentioned countries. It will give an increased awareness on how to reach solutions which will improve the ability to deal with energy shocks in the future.
pagine: 284
formato: 17 x 24
ISBN: 978-88-548-7123-6
data pubblicazione: Aprile 2014
marchio editoriale: Aracne
collana: Diritto di stampa | 68
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