Studies in Conceptual Metaphor Theory
Area 10 – Scienze dell'antichità, filologico-letterarie e storico-artistiche
Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT) is one of the most significant scientific perspectives in contemporary linguistics. Emerging from the cognitive shift in the language sciences, CMT focuses on the cognitive processes behind language representation, with particular emphasis on the relationships between metaphorical conceptualization and figurative meaning. This volume, entitled Studies in Conceptual Metaphor Theory, explores this contemporary viewpoint on metaphor with empirical investigations into various domains of English discourse. The study thus works on the interface between cognition and discourse in an attempt to understand how metaphorical conceptualizations are encoded in text representations.
pagine: | 260 |
formato: | 17 x 24 |
ISBN: | 978-88-548-7081-9 |
data pubblicazione: | Aprile 2014 |
marchio editoriale: | Aracne |