Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics

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Area 02 – Scienze fisiche
The issue 30 marks EJTP tenth anniversary and offers a battery of articles of the highest level in its best tradition: speculative taste, mathematically rigorous and few concessions to fashions. The interest in alternative theories of gravity is increasing, Hagen Kleinert, with his usual magic math, finds the spirit of the immortal paper by A. Sakharov (Dokl. Akad. Nauk ŠR 177, 70; Vacuum quantum fluctuations incurved space and the theory of gravitation, (1967), reprinted in (2000) Gen. Rel.Grav. 32, 365), offering a powerful reinterpretation of conformal gravity. We are pleased to see in his Acknowledgments the name of G. Chapline, whom one of the authors of these notes (IL) is bound to for borrowing him the expression and the image of a big bang as vacuum nucleation, back in 1980. An idea that would later find a realization in Archaic Quantum Cosmology developed since 2009 with L. Chiatti. We hope to have him soon as our author. A work of extraordinary computational and theoretical interest is that by S. Succi S.Palpacelli, M. Mendoza and H.J. Herrmann, which establishes a bridge between Boltzmann and Dirac by Majorana, showing the potential of the Quantum Lattice Boltzmann in quantum information and QFT.
pagine: 140
formato: 21 x 29,7
ISBN: 978-88-548-6867-0
data pubblicazione: Gennaio 2014
marchio editoriale: Aracne
rivista: Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics (EJTP) | Volume 11, Number 30
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