4th International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation RSS2013
Abstract Booklet

15,00 €
A cura di Andrea Benedetto
Area 08 – Ingegneria civile e Architettura
The Road Safety and Simulation Conferences were established in Rome in 2007, with the aim to create a meeting ground for scholars, scientists and road safety professionals with different backgrounds and to incourage and facilitate the exchange of know-how. The main goal that brought to the launch of the Conference was and still remains to investigate and understand the issues related to road safety, through novel perspectives. Right away it becomes self-evident that Roma Tre University had to be the obvious host and organizer of the event, due to the specific skills of its research team, internationally acknowledged as one of the first who have approached the geometric design of roads combined with the study of human behaviour within different traffic and environmental conditions. Starting from 2007, driving simulation studies have increased and many researchers have approached this novel tool for their specific scopes. In addition, researchers involved in other fields have focused their attention to driving simulation as a very promising and interesting tool for their investigations. Within this area, naturalistic driving concepts studying surrogate measures of safety or safety modeling are currently being developed as well as some very innovative topics regarding, for instance, highway design engineering or the assessment of new projects through public participation. This 4th edition of Road Safety and Simulation involves more than 500 authors from 200 Universities, Research Centers and Industries of 40 countries all over the world. 200 papers will be presented during the Conference days.
pagine: 256
formato: 17 x 24
ISBN: 978-88-548-6415-3
data pubblicazione: Ottobre 2013
marchio editoriale: Aracne
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