The Same Things Return with Different Colours

13,00 €
7,8 €
Area 14 – Scienze politiche e sociali
William Mallinson, who teaches at the Ionian University in Corfu, offers an eclectic collection of some of his most pertinent pieces, covering his expertise on Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean, Anglo-Greek relations, the Elgin Marbles, class in England, globalisation, religious extremism in international relations and even, to round it off, a vaguely erotic tale about a lady of the sea. His articles, whether purely academic (some using government papers that the Foreign and Commonwealth Office had to release to him recently) or more journalistic, slice through the linguistically bulimic world of political correctness, going through the bone to the marrow.
pagine: 176
formato: 14 x 21
ISBN: 978-88-548-6168-8
data pubblicazione: Luglio 2013
marchio editoriale: Aracne
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