Recent Advances in Nonlinear Optimization and Equilibrium Problems
A Tribute to Marco D'Apuzzo

19,00 €
11,4 €
Area 01 – Scienze matematiche e informatiche
This volume of “quaderni di matematica” is devoted to the memory of Marco D'Apuzzo, who died suddenly at the age of 46 in June of 2009. Marco studied Mathematics at the University of Naples Federico II, where he also received his PhD in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. His early scientifc work dealt mainly with numerical linear algebra and parallel computing, during his years at the Department of Mathematics and its Applications at the University of Naples Federico II.
pagine: 328
formato: 16 x 22
ISBN: 978-88-548-5687-5
data pubblicazione: Dicembre 2012
marchio editoriale: Aracne
collana: quaderni di matematica | 27
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