Trends in Incidence and Galois Geometries
A Tribute to Giuseppe Tallini

31,00 €
18,6 €
Area 01 – Scienze matematiche e informatiche
This volume of “quaderni di matematica” is in memory of Giuseppe Tallini, a leading figure in international Combinatorics, passionate and influential Educator throughout his career and founder of the Italian research group in Combinatorics. The volume consists of contributions from Mathematicians of various nationalities, who met him and interacted with him in many ways. The selected papers range from various current research themes in Combinatorics: Galois Geometries, Algebraic geometry over finite fields, Coding Theory and Incidence Structures.
pagine: 328
formato: 16 x 22
ISBN: 978-88-548-3571-9
data pubblicazione: Novembre 2010
marchio editoriale: Aracne
collana: quaderni di matematica | 19
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