Advances in Transportation Studies

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24,00 €
Area 08 – Ingegneria civile e Architettura
ContentsR. W. Allen, N. Teasdale - Training the older driver; O. Shechtman, S. Classen, B. Stephens - The impact of roadway intersection design on simulated; E. Davis, K. Awadzi, W. Mann - driving performance of younger and older adults during recovery from a turn; A. Irune, G. E. Burnett - The initial development of a low-cost method for predicting the disruption of glances towards in-vehicle information systems; N. W. Mullen, H. K. Chattha, B. Weaver, M. Bédard - Older driver performance on a simulator: associations between simulated tasks and cognition; S. O. Fagbemi, K. Pfeffer B. Weaver, M. Bédard he use of a driving simulator to study eyewitness accuracy for three different types of collision; B. Mehler, B. Reimer, A. E. Pohlmeyer, J. Coughlin - The association between heart rate reactivity and driving performance under dual task demands in late middle age drivers; A. Stinchcombe, S. Yamin, A-A. Cyr, S. Gagnon, S. Marshall, M. Hing, H. Finestone - Examination of traumatic brain injured drivers’ behavioural reactions to simulated complex roadway events; G. D. Park, M. L. Cook, R. W. Allen - A novice driver transfer of training experiment; J-F Tessier, M. Kaszap, M. Lavallière, M. Tremblay, N. Teasdale - Implementing an analog speedometer in STISIM Drive using Parallax BSTAMP microcontroller
pagine: 96
formato: 17 x 24
ISBN: 978-88-548-2598-7
data pubblicazione: Luglio 2009
marchio editoriale: Aracne
rivista: Advances in Transportation Studies | 2008/si
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