Remote Sensing for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Management

34,00 €
Area 10 – Scienze dell'antichità, filologico-letterarie e storico-artistiche
The book collects the contributions presented by 240 scientists coming from 25 countries, during the 1st International EARSeL Workshop on “Advanceson Remote Sensing for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Management”, held in Rome on September 30 – October 4, 2008. The result is a fascinating and rich variety ofissues, applications and study cases of Remote Sensing, GIS and ICT for archaeological research, management of cultural resources, valorisation and documentation of historical sites and monuments.
pagine: 460
formato: 21 x 29,7
ISBN: 978-88-548-2030-2
data pubblicazione: Settembre 2008
marchio editoriale: Aracne
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