Latest Advances in Extrusion Technology and Simulation Europe and 2nd Extrusion Benchmark

12,00 €
Area 09 – Ingegneria industriale e dell'informazione
The Extrusion Workshop 2007 and 2nd Extrusion Benchmark was held in Bologna, Italy, on September 20–21, 2007. The event is divided in two sessions:— The workshop “Latest Advances In Extrusion Technology and Simulation In Europe” is focused on the latest advances in the extrusion of light alloys and related simulation issues. The workshop has contributions by industrial researchers and academics from more than 20 countries. Invited papers by leading industries and research centers describe the state of the art about ongoing research in extrusion technology.— The 2nd Extrusion Benchmark is aimed at exploiting FEM codes capabilities and users' knowledge in the simulation of an industrial extrusion process as it was realized and monitored by the conference organizers. The comparison of the “blind” simulations by the participants with the experimental results should allow users to check if their settings are generally adequate to the problem and software house to verify the sensitivity of their solving methods.
pagine: 144
formato: 21 x 29,7
ISBN: 978-88-548-1286-4
data pubblicazione: Agosto 2007
marchio editoriale: Aracne
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