The true ballad of those left behind
New adventures in loneliness

11,00 €
A – Narrativa
This work is a collection of writings in post-modern poetry and prose about the way the author perceives the link between himself and the surrounding odd reality. Among personal confessions, reflections, descriptions, evaluations and bittersweet memories, we find images regarding peculiar circumstances and the human nature in general, not neglecting also ironic, critical and plain pictures of life. All in all, this book is about being born again on a daily basis, outliving one’s own shareable and comprehensible existential perplexities, and never getting old.
pagine: 112
formato: 12 x 20
ISBN: 978-88-255-3869-4
data pubblicazione: Novembre 2020
marchio editoriale: Aracne
collana: Ragnatele | 124
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