Translation and Creativity
Readers, Writers, Processes

28,00 €
16,8 €
Area 10 – Scienze dell'antichità, filologico-letterarie e storico-artistiche
The volume offers a rich overview of research from different European countries. Creativity is analysed in many diverse proc­esses and agents. Accompanied by the editors’ introduction and their respective prefaces, the volume is enhanced by a poem on the coronavirus by Roger McGough, the poet’s Sebald Lecture at the British Library which functions as Foreword, and an Afterword by Michael Cronin. Thirteen essays revolve around two characterizing aspects of literary translation: on the one hand, the impossibility of saying exactly the same thing; on the other, the elements of novelty introduced, necessarily, by those who translate.
pagine: 336
formato: 14 x 21
ISBN: 978-88-255-2786-5
data pubblicazione: Dicembre 2018
marchio editoriale: Aracne editrice
collana: Echo | 7
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