Urban agriculture as part of food security and community resilience
Area 07 – Scienze agrarie e veterinarie
This book is meant for the development of little production in urban and peri–urban areas of developing Countries. A kind of agriculture which is frequently neglected by research because of the little production and low productivity. Nonetheless it is sustaining the life of millions of people that live in marginal areas, and giving a consistent contribution to the diet of several millions recently migrated to towns. An effort to improve the wealthy of these people through low cost and low technology approach, can have a more positive effect on their livelihood than the high impact changes normally proposed by industrial approaches.
pagine: | 100 |
formato: | 17 x 24 |
ISBN: | 978-88-255-2024-8 |
data pubblicazione: | Maggio 2019 |
marchio editoriale: | Aracne |
collana: | Studi e ricerche in Agricoltura, Ambiente e Territorio | 8 |