Advances in Group Theory and Applications
Volume 4/2017

40,00 €
24,00 €
Area 01 – Scienze matematiche e informatiche
The forth volume of Advances in Group Theory and Applications contains original contributions by several leader researchers in group theory: A.O. Asar, J.C. Beidleman, A.V. De Luca, L.R. Hendrixson, R. Ialenti, M.L. Lewis, A.A. Pypka, D.A. Sinitsa, J. Wolosz. The historical part of this volume contains two letters and one postcard written by Hans Fitting to Helmut Hasse. For each of these, the reproduction of the original is proposed, followed by its transcription and translation.Moreover, the section “Perspectives in Group Theory” contains a collection of six new open problems. Finally, a memory of J.C. Beidleman, recently passed away, is published.
pagine: 144
formato: 17 x 24
ISBN: 978-88-255-0869-7
data pubblicazione: Febbraio 2018
marchio editoriale: Aracne
rivista: Advances in Group Theory and Applications | 4
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