Digital Storytelling for Education
Theories and Good Practices in Preschool

10,00 €
6,00 €
Area 11 – Scienze storiche, filosofiche, pedagogiche e psicologiche
The Digital Storytelling combines the old art of telling stories with new media such as graphics, audio and video. The volume introduces Digital Storytelling as a realistic and feasible opportunity for preschools, useful to achieve a dual objective: on the one hand, it fosters children’s narrative and media literacy competencies, and on the other it supports teachers’ professional development in media education. The first part of the book presents Digital Storytelling by exploring its pedagogical and didactical dimensions. The second part examines nineteen different digital storytelling practices in order to outline the most relevant educational aspects of Digital Storytelling activities carried in preschools.
pagine: 128
formato: 14 x 21
ISBN: 978-88-255-0712-6
data pubblicazione: Gennaio 2018
marchio editoriale: Aracne
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