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Numero 2, 2014

Può essere, eppure non può essere. Massimo Cacciari interprete di Kafka
ABSTRACT: The author draws on by the original interpretation of the poetics of Kafka, accomplished out by Massimo Cacciari. The basic idea is that the absurd situations narrated by Bohemian writer show a paradoxical condition, in wich the protagonists can act and yet at the same time they can not act. The author argues that the fundamental antinomian structure of the events, descibed in the tales of Kafka, and emphasized by Cacciari, is a authentic logical contradiction.

KEYWORDS: Promise, advance, occasion, paradox, contradiction.
pagine: 95-105
DOI: 10.4434/ESR.20396635.082014.7
data pubblicazione: Dicembre 2014
editore: Aracne