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Numero 2, 2014

L’idea della grazia e la città di Dio
ABSTRACT: What was the image of city that Augustine had before his eyes? What did Milan, Rome and other cities look like at his time? What was the contribution of urban transformation from the point of view of the Christian temples? From what suggestions among people, practices and rituals can this document of civilisation and culture such as The City of God be born? The model that Augustine had in front of him was that of a big rapidly changing city with mausoleums and new religious and civil buildings. The pagan influence was being altered, it was becoming increasingly marginal, especially with the decree from Theodosius of 392, while basilicas were distributed close to the entrance gates of the city according to a kind of planning and with a progressive expansion of volumes developing complex Episcopal groups and re-using pre-existing architectural structures, public and private, with annexation of other buildings. Augustine was experiencing a christianisation of space and could observe in the actions of the bishop an expression of civil power.

KEYWORDS: Aesthetics, Sant’Agostino, Theology, Grace, City.
pagine: 15-25
DOI: 10.4434/ESR.20396635.082014.2
data pubblicazione: Dicembre 2014
editore: Aracne