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Forme e contesti della comunicazione educativa

L’approccio autobiografico‒narrativo nella valigia degli attrezzi dell’insegnante inclusivo
The autobiographical and narrative approach in an inclusive teacher’s toolbox. Tra
ABSTRACT: This paper examines two fields of application of autobiographical−narrative methodologies. These fields are relatively unexplored but interconnected and consist of inclusive teacher training and scholastic inclusion. Practical uses of the autobiographical approach are reported both in support activities for trainee teachers (propositions 1, 2a, 2b, 3) as well as didactic activities for a pupil with intellectual disabilities (proposition 4). The strengths of the approach (self−reflectionand sharing of experiences mainly for teachers and support for student motivation) are highlighted as well as some critical areas (such as the risk of self−retreat and exclusive application).

KEYWORDS: inclusion, autobiographic writing, inclusive teacher education, autobiographical–narrative methodology
pagine: 113-130
DOI: 10.4399/97888548998657
data pubblicazione: Marzo 2017
editore: Aracne