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Forme e contesti della comunicazione educativa

Leadership generativa in contesti scolastici e comunicazione efficace
Generative leadership in school settings and effective communication: strategies to manage school comple
ABSTRACT: In today’s fast−moving and uncertain world, organizations, including schools, operate in a scenario characterized by continual transformation and increasing complexity. What competencies does a head teacher need to manage a school with a systemic vision in such a context? This paper proposes a leadership model, the generative one, which has been borrowed from the business sector and discusses its main features: the development of a shared organizational culture, full involvement of people, care in managing relationships in order to manage conflicts and create new connections, the promotion of resilience. These aspects are examined from a communicative perspective to highlight how each one may be supported by effective communication which is a critical competence when defining the job profiles of head teachers whose aim is to make an intelligent network out of their school (Cravera, 2015a) and fit for future.

KEYWORDS: generative leadership, effective communication, head teacher, organizational culture, community, network, complexity, system.
pagine: 51-71
DOI: 10.4399/97888548998654
data pubblicazione: Marzo 2017
editore: Aracne