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La inflación de la sospecha. El discurso de las teorías de la conspiración
Conspiracy theories often take the State as a suspicious actor playing the role of the opponent and acting against its own citizens. These discourses are built upon presuppositions and innuendos affording a mono–causal and pan–deterministic plot where all historical facts are triggered by one cause only: conspiracy. The essay focuses on the features of suspicious figures in conspiracy theories and their connections to other cultural presuppositions and innuendos forming a textuality that establishes the veridictional strategy of conspiracy plots. The diffusion of conspiracy theories jeopardizes the meaning of the State since they usually attribute to it the role of the traitor or that of the trickster. As a case study, the essay proposes an analysis of the mockumentary Operación Palace (2014) falsely revealing that the coup d’état on February 23th 1981 was schemed by the Spanish State so as to preserve its recent democracy.
pagine: 123-140
DOI: 10.4399/97888548993157
data pubblicazione: Giugno 2016
editore: Aracne